Imagine you’ve created a lengthy InDesign document. You export it as a PDF and send it to a reviewer. They return the PDF with a multitude of comments and edits you need to accept or reject. Now, you’re tasked with keeping track of all these edits from the PDF and incorporating them into your InDesign document. That task is a lot easier now.
Did you know you can import PDF comments directly into InDesign? Using this tool, you can quickly locate edits and comments from multiple reviewers and decide whether to accept, reject, or resolve them in your working document. It works on any PDF created from an INDD file. Just make sure not to make changes while it’s out for review.
How do I import PDF comments into InDesign?
Here are a couple other things you can do with this tool:
Using the Import PDF Comments tool is a fantastic way to efficiently incorporate editing and proofreading changes to your InDesign document!